Hello and welcome back to another update of the Austin Family Legacy!

We start this update with Jeremy hanging out with his younger brother Rowan.

Lean and Byron come home from school in good moods. I probably took this because they both or one of them got an A.

Lean and Byron then start a club meeting and work on their aspirations.

Maggie’s boyfriend finally ages up and she invites him over so they can get married and start a life together.

Brandon comes home during the marriage with a promotion and dizzy with sickness.

Zoey decides to cheer him up with some woohoo.

Tiana really loves to knit in interesting places 🙂

Top notch for our little heir 😀

Just in time for his birthday! Kyle ages up adorable. He rolled goofball and wants to be a social butterfly.

Jeremy was hungry and decided to grab something from the stall instead of the yummy leftovers in the fridge.

He then comes back and becomes BFF with Kyle.

Hi Bobby!! You look so sad. Makes me wonder if he floated in on someone in the bathroom.

Just our heir dancing and being cute.

Tiana knitting on the edge of the pool again, but this time she didn’t change her clothes.

Tiana must have changed, but comes inside to spend time with the family.

I really love the social butterfly aspiration. It’s really easy if your kid is in a club. He’s working on the friendships that he needs.

Zoey manages to max both logic and gardening.

Look! Another photo of Tiana knitting. This time while spending time with her youngest daughters.

We have a baby cowplant! So close to completing her aspiration! It’s been really hard. We had the green footprint which made every plant perfect without evolving them, so the part where she needed to evolve 10 plants to excellent was impossible to complete. I had to cheat us to a neutral footprint and basically start over with the plants…pain in the butt!

Chaz pays us a visit, breaks the tub, gets uncomfortable and then tries to mop up the mess.

He then gets sad and goes to spend time with Jeremy.

Tiana then wakes up and her and Jeremy enjoy some woohoo!

Unfortunatley this always makes Tiana dangerously uncomfortable and she needs to take a muscle relaxing soak.

Leah has finished her artistic prodigy aspiration and I gave her the social butterfly one. She needs to meet some new people so I send the family to the park.

I had Byron and Kyle work on their outdoor activities badge for the scouts, and Byron decided to go through a bear phase lol

And Leah finally meets enough kids for her aspiration.

They then come home and eventually Byron and Leah are BFF’s.

Since I don’t think Tiana will max the wellness skill, I decided Zoey will give it a try.

Later on, both Bobby and Marie visit and chat together in the bathroom.

Brandon also comes home with a promotion!

The flea market comes to town, so I sent Jeremy to see if we can find the last MySim dolls. They were selling snowglobes though.

Leah is working on her friendships now.

What’s up Tiana?

Oh No!

Jeremy: “Ah Ha!”

Jeremy: “I’m awesome!”

Jeremy “Gasp”

Jeremy finally clues in and starts sobbing and Myrtle also comes to mourn the loss of Tiana.

It was about this time that I discovered that you can create a copy of a picture, so now Bobby has a picture above his urn.

And we’ll end this update with this picture of Tiana’s urn placed in the family crypt. Until next time!