Week Forty

Hello, and welcome back!

We start off trying to complete the drink nectar want Kayla has rolled. Yup, nectar for breakfast, lol. Sidenote: the want was not cleared.

On to Kayla’s first day of high school!

*snickers* That poor child!

She is very studious.

Once again, Chase and Elaine are struggling with their relationship.

Luckily, it doesn’t take much to get them happy again.

This is the first time I have managed to get all of these into range! Let’s see if I can keep them there!

Potty training the child that Elaine wanted to have later in life.

I am still trying to complete this want.

Even though I wasn’t planning on them having a fourth child, everyone loves him.

Bring on the teen club! Also, she is trying to find a spouse.

Kayla has amazing compatibility with this lady here.

So, I send her to make friends.

Kayla made these earrings to give to her mother to clear part of her aspiration.

I used the wrong option for gifting, which did not clear the step in her aspiration.

I read the steps and correctly gifted jewelry to her grandmother.


It makes sense that Elaine has this fear. I sent them to counseling; I hope it helps.

Elaine wanted to play this game. I can’t remember what it’s called.

The cuddle-in-bed interaction is adorable!

Kayla hasn’t expressed any interest, so I had her flirt in the hopes that she would be interested.

I saw this trash plant but had to send Kayla to remove it because it was outside the property lines.

These are the earrings Kayla gave to her; they are cute!

Birthday time for the twins!

I love Stevie! I wish she had been heiress, but oh well.

Kayla is planting a crystal tree seed!

Every day now, I make sure these two have good interactions and some romance.

I am still searching for collectibles.

I finally felt confident enough to send Chase to Batuu. We managed to find the last Batuu records for our collection! I’m not sure if I care enough to do the lightsaber parts.

And he completed his aspiration! I probably won’t go back, haha.

Back home, Kayla is off to the library. She always wants to drink nectar and go to the library. We find Beckett and his wife adorable!

Another day, another birthday!

We interrupt this birthday with the death of Precious 🙁

And, of course, Adam is sad in his picture.

I finally got around to decorating the twins’ bedrooms, and funnily enough, they both like brown. I did Stevie’s in light brown and Collin’s in dark brown. Adam is sleeping in his grandparents’ room until I feel motivated to decorate his room.

Kayla topped the lifeguard job.

I’m still trying to get her interested in this young lady. Kayla does not want to throw out any wants related to a relationship.

Checking out the moonlight charging thing for jewelry and crystals.

I like the jewelry that Kayla has been making.

I’m hoping to complete her aspiration before she grows up.

Stevie rolled this want, and now I’m curious about it.

So off to the neighbors to snoop!

I love this interaction! And with this picture, this week is over! Until next time! (Which is soon because I’ll be updating with two updates, lol)

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