Week Forty-One

And on to the next week!

Adam is playing chess with Cali for his whiz-kid aspiration.

One of the crystals I’m missing is located on Sixam.

Kayla is not happy.

Collin is very popular with everyone.

They are keeping the romance alive! So far, things are better.

See what I mean about him being popular? Everyone wants to hang out with him!

Man, Kayla has a lot of traits!

Check out the ring she made!

I love these earrings!

The next day is the beginning of summer fun holiday that I created. One of the things to do is drink. I always have my sims make their favorite drink, and Kayla’s is a protein shake. I thought it would be nectar, LOL.

Chase is getting into the holiday and double-fisting his drinks.

This notice popped up but didn’t make him happy or sad.

Why do my sims always die during a holiday?

The fun must go on, though!

I don’t understand why this isn’t greyed out for him. Kids can’t grill, and eating the food does not work for them.

I managed to complete the metal collection!

Kayla had a fear of death and needed to talk to an elder, so I sent her to the bar.

I sent Kayla to Selvadorada because she needs a crystal from here. However, things did not go well for her, so I sent her home. By the way, those spiders are gross!

Relationships need so much more work now!

Kayla’s love interest grew up, so she went to prom to see if anyone else interested her. This guy was promising.

Stevie won jester!

Then a werewolf raged out, and prom was ruined, lol.

At the after-party, Kayla met the young lady in green, and she was attracted to her! Score!

The next day, Kayla invited her over. I gave her a hair makeover, but when they talked, the attraction went away. I’m not sure if it was the hair or maybe a trait that turned Kayla off. *shrugs*

When I opened my game next, I saw this…

Risky woo-hoo for the win. *head smack*

Kayla keeps wanting to be in a well-decorated room. None of the rooms in the house cleared that want, so since she is the heir, I redecorated the living room in one of her favorite colors. I then decorated it with high-environment scored items, but there was still nothing. *sigh*

I’m not sure what happened, but I noticed Adam was tense, and I was curious. He is dealing with a lot right now, poor guy 🙁 And with that, nothing else happened, and the week was over.

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