Hello and welcome to another update! Woo-hoo!

We start this update with a cute picture of Jeremy on the potty 🙂

Seriously… that face lol

Marie spends her day, teaching skills to Jeremy, writing and talking to Bo, the sweet baby kitty.

Bobby and Kathy come home from school in very different moods.

Bobby and Kathy start a group hangout. They do their homework and then work on their aspirations.

This boy walked in on Bobby, but Bobby just looked happy about it and never got embarrassed… weird

Bo was scared of the toilet lol.

Chaz was invited to Travis’ birthday party, so he grabbed Marie and off they went. Travis married that cat lady that came with the pet expansion. I think the cats had babies or something…

All they could do though was hangout.

Because the caterer placed the cake on the edge and you can’t put candles on it unless it’s in the center. At least the cats enjoyed it…

The next day Bo grew up. He’s so adorable!

See… so freaking adorable!

We also have the birth of baby #4! Another baby boy 🙂 His name is Rowan.

Before going to bed, Marie had her adult birthday 🙂

The next morning is Chaz’s birthday.

The rest of the day goes by smoothly. With screaming babies, kids coming home from school. Chaz receiving a promotion and he paints this lovely painting that we keep 🙂

Why so angry buddy? It’s your birthday!

And here he is all grown up! Jeremy received the active trait and Rambunctious Scamp Aspiration.

So he takes a bubble bath and goes to play outside.

So it’s Harvestfest again… So after celebrating last time, I decided to edit how long the seasons are. Instead of one week, they are now two weeks. Which is why we are celebrating again. I also replaced the gnome objective with “watch sports”. I figured it was fitting.

And, seriously Marie? I saved it, just in case Chaz wants another baby too. (I only save it for two days before letting it go away.)

I had to laugh at the cat… he’s scared of a lot of things.

The next day Rowan grows up. Another red head! He’s adorable and is Inquisitive like Jeremy was.

I love this interaction 🙂

Gotta love potty training!

So I added a holiday for at the end of fall to celebrate the end of fall…lol There’s roasting food. Dancing around the bonfire and also storytelling.

The next day both Kathy and Bobby finish their aspirations. Not much else happened.

Winter is now here and wow, that is not an appropriate outfit for the cold. (It’s her work uniform)

Bobby builds a snow pal and then all the kids wanted to have a snowball fight. Jeremy couldn’t even wait to finish his food.

And we’ll end this update with a cute picture of Bobby with his cat Bo.