Hello and welcome to another update of the Austin Family Legacy!

We start this update with Tianna and the random angry guy who died on my lot.

Kristie goes out with Leah, working on the food photos, and we run into Generation 3 spare, Maggie 🙂

Back at the homefront and Nash grows up into a teenager. He gained the Insider trait and wants to be a jungle explorer.

He joins the teens-only club, and he is the only male…lol

Still very much in love.

We have a butler… who never sleeps, eats, or goes to the bathroom. Is this a glitch??

He is working on his Extreme Sports aspiration… trying to get injured.

The kids are working on their homework.

Kristie is sad because one of her lovers died.

But alcohol and cleaning products cheer her up.

Sophie decided to run away 🙁

I took this picture because I forgot I gave him those swim trunks… lol

Nash wanted to comfort Hillary.

Everyone is happy because Sophie came home 😀

Just my sims being sims.

I noticed Sophie was in heat, so I got her fixed.

It was free food day (I can never remember the event name), so the family headed out to eat and take pictures.

They then head to Mt. Komorebi so Hillary can work on her aspiration.

*Snicker* She slipt and fell on a hike.

When I put up my recent food photos, I noticed the others are now all the same. Weird.

While going through the family inventory, I found Kyle’s award for doing an expedition.

Elaine grew up, gaining the unflirty trait and the beach life aspiration.

These two are adorable and will be getting married!

That water is dirty…gross.

This is where Hillary completes her aspiration! Before becoming a young adult!

She celebrates with her first kiss and becomes Cali’s girlfriend.

I didn’t realize they could do this; so cute!

Hillary goes out with Kristie to look for the new seeds that came with cottage living.

And then proceeds to start on her new aspiration. It’s the spellcaster one which I have never done.

Back at home, the kids enjoy a meal together.

We’ll end this update to show you that I fixed the picture problem. It happens whenever I put a frame on them. I then had to create a copy, and the correct image appeared. I guess they will not be framed. Until next time!
We’ll end this update to show you that I fixed the picture problem. It happens whenever I put a frame on them. I then had to create a copy, and the correct image appeared. I guess they will not be framed. Until next time!